5 Years of Social Impact
5 Years of Social Impact

Kombucha, Kefir, Kimchi – Fermenting and Pickling Learning Clinic for Healthy Gut

Here's what we do at Boston Sustainability Advising by Global Dimensions with Local Actions – Promoting by educating the public toward the Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

At the Newton Farmers' Market that is celebrating its 39th year and is one of the oldest farmers' markets in Massachusetts.

Quality of life and health depends on what food products we consume. Ancient heritage and knowledge about healthy habits consuming fermented food is making its way back in the recent years. New products launch campaigns emphasize the importance of probiotics. Come and learn with an enthusiast and philanthropist, a health leadership and public health ambassador for sustainable development Dr. Tatjana Kobb. We will talk at Newton’s farmers market and contribute to the Goals in Action on Saturday, September 26th 2018. http://www.newtonma.gov/gov/parks/programs/farmers/default.asp 

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© Dr. Tatjana Kobb